By now it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we at GPORTAL are advocates for moddable gaming experiences. Mods bring in new talents for companies and game publishers, diversify the in-game variety of assets and game modes and more than often lead to vastly increased lifespans of single- and multiplayer games. Since many games in our roster offer the option to include mods, it is only natural that we looked for ways to simplify and further improve their addition into our servers.
We are therefore very proud and excited to announce our collaboration with CurseForge. They host an enormous amount of mods for popular games like Minecraft and Terraria as well as a vast array of addons for World of Warcraft. To start our cooperation with some fireworks, we used the release of the terrific first person shooter LEAP as a pilot project to include the api of CurseForge into our very own modding panel.
This makes adding a mod literally as simple as a mouse click. There also won’t be any overhead for players as every mod gets updated whenever the server restarts. Without doing any compromises, the implementation worked out of the box and hasn’t shown any bugs or other inconveniences that could negatively impact players’ experiences.

The next step is to further strengthen our modding alliance as we aim for another major leap, namely implementing CurseForge into our Minecraft panel. This means that players have the possibility to choose from over 127.000 mods, added with a simple mouse click and automatically updated with every server refresh.
This vastly minimizes the time and effort players have to put into their server setup which leaves more room for what really counts: Great gaming experiences. Thankfully, by collaborating with CurseForge, this will only be the start to make our server panel even more flexible and easy to use for pro and casual gamers alike.