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Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Minecraft Note Block

A Minecraft Note Block is an interactive block that plays a sound when activated. Players can use it to set acoustic signals or even compose entire music pieces. By combining different blocks and settings, a wide variety of instruments and pitches can be produced.

How to Get a Note Block in Minecraft

You can either find a note block in your world or craft it yourself. Minecraft note blocks can be found in ancient cities and can be mined with any pickaxe. Breaking the block by hand or with any other tool will also drop it, but will take significantly longer.

How to Craft a Note Block in Minecraft

If you are not near ancient cities, you can craft it yourself by following the Minecraft note block recipe:

8x wooden planks (any type) + 1x redstone dust = 1x note block

Simply place 1x redstone dust in the center of the crafting window and surround it with 8x wooden planks of any type.

How to Use a Minecraft Note Block

A note block plays a note when right-clicked or activated by a redstone signal. The pitch can be adjusted step by step by clicking multiple times. After reaching the highest tone, the sequence restarts from the beginning.

All Minecraft Note Block Notes & Pitches

Each note block in Minecraft starts at the lowest pitch F♯ (F-sharp) / G♭ (G-flat) and can be increased by 24 clicks in semitone-step increments. Each click corresponds to a semitone, so after 12 clicks, a new octave begins. Upon reaching 24 clicks, the highest note is again F♯ / G♭, two octaves higher than the starting note. After this, the sequence restarts at the lowest pitch. This results in a fixed pattern where notes are distributed evenly in halftone increments over two full octaves.

ClicksNote Octave in MinecraftPitch Value
0F♯/G♭low (starting note)0,5
6Cmiddle (new octave starts)0,7
18Chigh (highest octave starts)1,4
24F♯/G♭high (highest note)2,0

The pitch values correspond to the frequency and increase exponentially rather than linearly. The starting note starts at 0.5, the middle octave starts at 1.0 and the highest note at 24 clicks has a value of 2.0. If you’re unfamiliar with musical theory, just remember: every 12 clicks equal one full octave, and 24 clicks reach the highest note. 

With these semitone increments, players can recreate scales and melodies. Players have already recreated famous movie themes, game soundtracks and classical pieces in Minecraft, some even the Minecraft soundtrack itself!

The Minecraft Note Block Instruments

Not only can you change the pitch of a Minecraft note block, but you can also alter the instrument that plays by changing the block placed beneath it. The instrument depends on the block directly underneath the note blocks.

banjohay bale
base drum (low)hard blocks (e.g., ores, stone, terracotta)
bass (string bass)wooden blocks (e.g., planks, logs, bookshelves)
bellsblock of gold
chimespacked ice
clicks and sticks (hihat)glass (e.g., glass blocks, glass panes)
cow bellsoulsand
fluteclay, honeycomb
harp (default)dirt, grass, air, etc.
snare drum (high)sand-like blocks (e.g. sand, gravel, red sand)
square wave (‘bit’)block of emerald
vibraphoneblock of iron
xylophonebone block

Using different blocks beneath a note block allows for diverse music projects. Players can recreate songs, generate sound effects or even program an entire orchestra. With redstone mechanisms, note blocks can be used for doorbells, warning signals or sound effects on adventure maps.

How to Use Minecraft Note Blocks

A Minecraft note block is not just for music. It can also serve as an acoustic signal:

  • warning signals & alarms: Used with Redstone to warn players of intruders or dangers (e.g. mobs).
  • doorbells: Simple chimes that ring when a player steps on a pressure plate or opens a door.
  • music generators & automations: With redstone mechanisms, players can build automatically playing music systems.
  • fuel: Note blocks can be used as furnace fuel, lasting for 1.5 smelt items – but this is not efficient!

Whether for atmospheric background music, practical sound cues or interactive mechanisms, note blocks expand the possibilities in Minecraft far beyond just construction. With a bit of creativity players can create complex music machines or simple acoustic cues to enhance their gameplay experience.

Conclusion: Minecraft Note Block 

The Minecraft note block is a versatile tool for both creative and practical applications. You can craft it easily using wooden planks and redstone or find it in ancient cities. Whether you want to recreate famous melodies or set up a mob alarm, you can explore the limitless possibilities of the MC note block on your Minecraft server from G-Portal.

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