Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server
Rent a server
Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server

Minecraft Cow

Minecraft cows are one of the game’s most versatile and beloved mobs. They were one of the game’s first animals and have been around for over 15 years. Often found roaming grassy biomes, the checkered animals provide a range of resources from food to crafting materials. Whether you’re after steak to restore hunger, leather for crafting books or milk to cancel pesky potion effects, these gentle giants fit the bill. They spawn naturally in many overworld biomes, adding charm and practicality to your adventures.

Usage in Gameplay

With their various drops, cows make a very useful animal to keep around in your base. You should definitely consider making a Minecraft cow farm to keep a few of these helpful mobs around. Let’s have a look at what cows provide.

Reliable Food Source

When killed, a Minecraft cow drops raw beef. While you can eat it raw, it’s much more recommended to cook it in a furnace, smoker or over a campfire to turn it into a steak. One steak restores 4 hunger bars, which make it one of the most nutritious foods in the game, while also being quite easy to obtain. Raw beef or steaks can also be used to heal or tame wolves.


Apart from food, there’s another item you can get from killing a Minecraft cow: leather. While this item can be used to craft leather armor, it is much more important for enchanting. Leather is needed to craft books, which in turn are required for an enchantment table. You’ll need even more books to surround your enchantment table with bookshelves, in order to be able to enchant your tools and armor with the maximum level enchantments. 

You can also use leather to craft paintings to decorate your house or make some bundles, which are very useful to increase your inventory space.

How to Milk Cows in Minecraft

When clicking on a cow with an empty bucket, the bucket is filled with milk. A bucket of milk can be used for crafting a cake, which makes a lovely gift for your server buddies. But it has an even more important usage: If you ever find yourself under the influence of an effect you’d prefer to get rid of quickly, simply drink a bucket of milk, as it will clear all status effects from the player, negative as well as positive. For example, if you encounter a witch on a nightly expedition and get hit with a poisonous potion, find a nearby cow to rid yourself of it to not make an easy midnight snack for some lurking zombies.

Cow Variants in Minecraft

Apart from the regular checkered Minecraft cow we all know and love, there are some other Minecraft cow types you may encounter on your adventures. As of the upcoming Minecraft version, new warm and cold variants have been added to the game, depending on the biome you’re in. You can already find them in the latest snapshot of the game.  

Temperate (‘regular’ cow)
birch forest, dark forest, forest, flower forest, old growth birch forest, plains, sunflower plains, swamp
Warmbadlands, bamboo jungle, deep lukewarm ocean, desert (any variant), eroded badlands, jungle, lukewarm ocean, mangrove swamp, savanna, savanna Plateau, sparse jungle, warm ocean, windswept savanna, wooded badlands
Coldcold ocean, deep cold ocean, deep dark, deep frozen ocean, frozen ocean, frozen peaks, frozen river, grove, ice spikes, jagged peaks, old growth pine taiga, old growth spruce taiga, snowy beach, snowy plains, snowy slopes, snowy taiga, stony peaks, taiga, windswept forest, windswept gravelly hills, windswept hills

Minecraft Mushroom Cow

But wait, there’s yet another cow variant! This one has been in the game for some time already, however, it is somewhat rare to encounter. The red Minecraft mushroom cow, more colloquially known as the mooshroom, is a unique variant found on the rare mushroom fields. Technically, they also come in two variants. If a red mooshroom is struck by lightning, it transforms into a brown mushroom cow, and vice versa.

Fun Fact:Using shears on a mooshroom converts it into a regular cow. While this does drop 5 mushrooms, be careful around these rare animals so as to not eradicate them by accident!

Can You Tame Cows in Minecraft?

Cows can’t be tamed in Minecraft. Unlike wolves or cats, which can be made loyal companions through taming, cows remain free-spirited members of the wild. However, you can build yourself a Minecraft cow farm with fences, to keep these helpful mobs around.

Can You Breed Cows in Minecraft?

Yes, cows can be bred! Feeding two cows with wheat will result in the birth of a calf. This is key to maintaining a steady supply of beef, leather and milk for your farm. Obtaining wheat is also quite easy, as you can find it in villages or farm it yourself for a more continuous supply. This makes cows an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced players who want to establish an efficient resource base.

Conclusion: Minecraft Cow

Cows in Minecraft are more than just ambient farm animals – they are versatile assets that contribute significantly to survival and crafting. With variants influenced by their biomes, essential resources like beef, leather and milk, Minecraft cows make a valuable addition to your base. Whether you’re exploring the vast plains, dense jungles or freezing taiga of your Minecraft server from G-Portal, these bovine buddies are always ready to lend a helping hoof in your blocky adventures.

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