Farming Simulator
Genre: Simulation
Studio: GIANTS
Publisher: GIANTS
Rent a Farming Simulator Server
Rent a server
Genre: Simulation
Studio: GIANTS
Publisher: GIANTS
Rent a Farming Simulator Server

Farming Simulator 22: Connect to a server

How do I connect to the FS Server?

The instructions on how to connect to your LS server apply to the following Farming Simulator versions: FS 22, FS 19, FS 17, FS 15, FS 13.

  1. Log on with your GPORTAL account
  2. Select the server
  3. Click on “Status” in the menu on the left
  4. Click on the link to FS web interface
  5. Make a note / change the server name
  6. Start the game
  7. In the game, search under “Multiplayer” for the server name
  8. Click on Start to connect

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