Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server
Rent a server
Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server

How do mods work in Minecraft?

On this page, you will learn the following about Minecraft mods:

What are Minecraft mods?

Mods are player-oriented additions to video games. Even though Minecraft is already a real success in its raw form (vanilla version), the need for further improvements was there from the very beginning. Since then, a whole virtual library of mods has come into existence, adapted to the respective game versions. This is very important, since only mods that are compatible with the respective version can be loaded into Minecraft.

Usually, mods are downloaded on well-known platforms (e.g. Minecraft Forum or Curseforge) and then inserted into the game with a so-called modloader. There are several modloaders, but the most famous and popular one is Forge. After that, you can start the mod (with the appropriate version) after adjusting a few settings.

Available Minecraft Modpacks at GPORTAL

Modpacks are a compilation of various (usually very popular) mods in one package. It avoids the time-consuming single installations of many Minecraft mods at once, and sometimes has a theme-based background.

All Minecraft modpacks have been tested for functionality on GPORTAL test servers with 4 slots. You can find them here as a list: GPORTAL Minecraft Modpacks

Customize and update Minecraft modpacks

To customize mod packs on your server, you need to download them via an FTP connection. A popular FTP client is FileZilla.

Connect to your server using the FTP client. You can find your FTP credentials within your GPORTAL web interface.

You can find an extensive collection of mods on the Curseforge.com website. To install the Minecraft mods, proceed as follows:

  1. Download the mod with the right version of the game
  2. Upload the mod to the server
  3. Load the mod into your client’s mod directory

Important note Settings on the mod pack must be made on both the client as well as the server mod pack.

How do I add Minecraft mods?

Connect to your server using the FTP client. You can find your FTP credentials within your GPORTAL web interface.

  1. Log into your GPORTAL account
  2. Choose the desired server on the left side
  3. Stop the server
  4. Write down the FTP access data
  5. Connect with the FTP client on the server
  6. Open the “mods” folder
  7. Upload the new mod to the folder
  8. Restart the server in the web interface

To install the mod on your client, navigate to:


In the “Roaming” folder on your client, open the “Mods” folder and add the Minecraft mod pack.

Updating mods in Minecraft

Mods should be updated regularly so that they run smoother and have new features. To do this, do the following:

  1. Log on to your GPORTAL account
  2. Choose the desired server on the left side
  3. Stop the server
  4. Write down the FTP access data
  5. Connect to the server with the FTP client
  6. Open the “mods” folder
  7. Delete the old version of the mod
  8. Upload the new mod to the folder
  9. Restart the server in the web interface

To install the mod on your client, navigate to:


In the “Roaming” folder on your client, open the “Mods” folder, delete the old version of the mods there, and insert the new version.

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