ARK Survival Evolved
Genre: Survival
Studio: Studio Wildcard
Publisher: Studio Wildcard
Rent a ARK Survival Evolved Server
Rent a server
Genre: Survival
Studio: Studio Wildcard
Publisher: Studio Wildcard
Rent a ARK Survival Evolved Server

How does the ARK RCON tool work?

  1. Download the ARK RCON / Arkon Tool –
  2. Unpack the files on your local hard drive
  3. Start the ara.exe file
  4. Right-click to create a new server
  5. Enter the IP and the RCON port (ends with 15)
  6. Enter the Admin password in the “Password” field
  7. Manage the server

Note The RCON tool can only be used for the PC version of ARK: Survival Evolved.

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