Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Minecraft Biomes

The world of Minecraft offers a lot of variety. Not only do you move completely freely through the world and can build whatever you want, but the game world itself offers the most diverse corners to explore. Roam through the different Minecraft biomes, swim through oceans, cross deserts and wander through forests. Here is a small overview of biomes in Minecraft.

Overview Minecraft Biomes:

  • way in which the appearance of the world is generated
  • huge variety
  • some inherit villages or certain structures
  • in all dimensions
  • expandable with mods

What Are Minecraft Biomes?

Minecraft biomes determine how the surface of the world is generated. If you enter a different biome, you probably won’t even notice the change in the underground. To understand how the Minecraft world and its different biomes are built, let’s first take a look at the different Minecraft biomes. They differ in certain aspects:

  • structure
  • frequency
  • size
  • dimension
  • plants, animals, other mobs & structures
  • climate & temperature

Since Minecraft biomes are a wide topic and directly linked to the world’s generation, there is plenty to say about them. Breaking it down from superficial information to specific Minecraft biomes is not easy. 

Structure and Frequency of Minecraft Biomes

Starting the game, you will find yourself in the Minecraft world, probably in a common biome like the plains. This is due to the fact that this is a Minecraft biome that generates more often than others. On the one hand, there are these common or basic biomes. On the other hand, there are certain Minecraft biomes that do not generate as often, are smaller or harder to find. 

Basic MC Biomes

Basic biomes in Minecraft are the simplest biome variants in the game. They represent a specific landscape, such as for example:

  • deserts
  • forests
  • plains

Basic biomes are very different from each other and are easy to recognize. Other Minecraft biomes, such as rare variants, are built on them.

Rare MC Biomes

Rare biomes are always generated together with the basic biome they are built on. They are special manifestations of them and differ greatly in size. Some are recognizable at first glance, such as the ice spikes or the taiga mountains, while others are barely distinguishable from their respective basic Minecraft biome. They also include smaller biomes that act as a transition between other MC biomes, while others are often not even considered to be individual biomes, such as rivers.

“Lush Cave”

Minecraft Biomes: Temperature & Climate

In Minecraft, biomes differ in many aspects. Temperature is essential for your survival and is a good way to distinguish biomes. It is possible to sort Minecraft biomes according to their climate into the following bigger groups, each still including many different biome types:

  • snowy biomes
  • cold biomes
  • temperate biomes
  • warm biomes

Most of the time, distinguishing different climatic situations is easy. For example, in snowy biomes water freezes while it does only in certain heights when in cold Minecraft biomes. In general those Minecraft biomes have a bluish tint. Compared to them, temperate biomes are resembled by different shades of green. There is no ice and it may rain at any altitude. After all, there are many water sources like rivers or the ocean nearby and there are numerous variations of the basic Minecraft biomes to be found in temperate climate zones. Lastly, warm biomes lack rain and are generally drier. The vegetation is olive green to brown in color. In some warm Minecraft biomes, such as the desert or mesas, there is a scarcity of wood and water to consider when playing.

Other Dimensions:  End Biomes and Nether Biomes


The diversity of the Minecraft world doesn’t end when you pass through a portal. The End and Nether also offer different biomes to explore. Weather and climate do not exist in these spaces away from the overworld and vegetation is sparse to mainly non-existent.

The End is the least varied of these. It only offers 4 Minecraft biomes, which are: 

  • End islands
  • End barrens
  • End midlands
  • End highlands

These are very similar in appearance. The most interesting part of the End is certainly the End highlands, as chorus plants and End cities are generated here.

The Nether is somewhat more versatile. Lava seas, soul fires, giant mushrooms, and magma cubes await you in the Nether biomes: 

  • Nether wastes
  • soul sand valley
  • crimson forest
  • warped forest
  • basalt delta

Although the Nether doesn’t sound like the best place to be, its biomes are diverse and beautiful to look at.

All Minecraft Biomes

Creating a list with all Minecraft biomes seems to be impossible. It most certainly depends on how one defines when a biome becomes a new one and is distinguishable from others. In the following, we collected Minecraft biomes and sorted them into some general categories. In some of them you might find villages, in others you won’t.


Forest (e.g. flower forest, birch forest, dark forest)yes
Taiga  (e.g. old growth spruce taiga, snowy taiga)yes
Jungle (e.g. bamboo jungle, sparse jungle)no

Ocean (e.g. deep ocean, warm ocean, lukewarm ocean, cold ocean, frozen ocean)no
Mushroom fieldsno
WetlandsRiver (e.g. frozen river)no
Swamp (e.g. mangrove swamp)no
Beach (e.g. snowy beach)no
Stony shoreno

Plains (e.g. sunflower plains, snowy plains)yes
Ice spikesyes
HighlandsPeaks (e.g. frozen peaks, jagged peaks) no
Grove (e.g. cherry grove)no
Hills (e.g. windswept hills, windswept gravelly hills)no
Arid-landsDesert yes
Savanna (e.g. savanna plateau, windswept savanna)yes
Badlands (e.g. wooded badlands, eroded badlands)yes
CavesLush cavesno
Dripstone cavesno
Deep darkno
NetherNether wastesno
Soul sand valleyno
Crimson forestno
Warped forestno
Basalt deltasno
EndEnd (e.g. End islands, End midlands, End highlands, End barrens)no

Minecraft Biomes: Finder & Mods

Walking through Minecraft biomes searching for a specific one can be exhausting. Luckily, as with many other structures, buildings or certain special areas you can use websites like chunkbase.com, more precisely its Minecraft biome finder, to look up all biomes near yourself. All you need is your world seed and there you go. The biome finder will give you exact coordinates of the biome you want to travel to.

Still, not every Minecraft biome will be present in your world. Or you spent many hours playing Minecraft and are sure to have seen every biome there is. If you still want even more than there already are, you can use mods like Biomes ‘o Plenty, which will generate many more biomes. There certainly are no limits for diversity and creativity. 

Conclusion: Minecraft Biomes 

Now you have an overview of how Minecraft biomes are constructed and what awaits you in the different parts of the Minecraft world. And if the variety still isn’t enough for you, you can use mods like to tickle out the last bit of variability. On a Minecraft server from G-Portal you’ll discover all the diversity of the Minecraft biomes together with your friends.

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