Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server
Rent a server
Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server

Minecraft Craft to Exile: Harmony

The modpack is primarily focused around the theme of exploration. The individual mods in the modpack focus on improving or changing the game experience for users of the “Mine and Slash” mod. “Mine and Slash” is a mod that turns Minecraft into a kind of ARPG à la Diablo. Read more about the “Mine and Slash” mod, which is the basis for “Craft to Exile”, in the article Mine and Slash.

Custom adventure

Have you always wanted to see and experience Minecraft in a Diablo-ish setting? Then you have the opportunity with this modpack. Travel through a beautiful dimensions generated with the mod “Oh The Biomes You’ll Go” and discover dungeons from “Mo’ Structures” and “Repurposed Structures”. As usual in an ARPG, you’ll encounter tons of monsters that you’ll have to defeat to get stronger. The creatures and monsters are generated by different mods, such as “Age of Exile” and “AdventureZ”.

The Nether and the End were also reworked with the help of the mods “Better Nether” and “End: Rebellion”.

Your progress, your character

Of course, a decent ARPG also includes rich character progression and customization, after all, everyone has their own playstyle. In order for you to develop your playstyle according to your wishes, the game gives you a talent tree and a class system like the one from Path of Exile. In addition, of course, there is endless loot and unique items (uniques) that will further influence and shape your playstyle. Some of the names of these uniques you might have heard before, if you have played ARPGs.

Protect your fortress

Instead of sending you on endless journeys through the overworld, this modpack focuses more on shorter discovery tours combined with the defense of your base. To help you balance both, the modpack gives you teleport stones, wormholes, and teleport scrolls through the “Fabric Waystone”-mod, which you can use to teleport back to your fortress at any time so you don’t miss the monster onslaught.

Craft to Exile Harmony vs. Dissonance

You should choose the Dissonance modpack if you are looking for a simplified progression system with more in-depth character customization. Your choice should fall on the Harmony mod if you prefer a vanilla-like (classic) experience with greater ARPG elements and want to defend your base from monsters on a regular basis.

If you want to learn even more about the Dissonance modpack, check out our post “Minecraft Craft to Exile: Dissonance“.

Play Minecraft Harmony now!

You have now learned a lot of exciting details about the modpack. Now it’s time to try out Craft to Exile Harmony! Just get a GPORTAL Minecraft server and choose the modpack. Thanks to unlimited slots, you can take all your friends on a new adventure. We wish you a lot of fun!

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