Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Minecraft Crafting

Making items is the basic principle of Minecraft. Crafting is essential if you want to succeed in the game since one crafted item often works as a new crafting ingredient for other items. Without this process, it’s hardly possible to play Minecraft. In this little Minecraft crafting guide, the basics of Minecraft crafting are explained. This article is especially interesting for newcomers, who are busy with their first steps in Minecraft.

Overview Minecraft Crafting

  • crafting = transformation of raw materials to new products
  • inventory crafting grid for first steps 
  • recipe book helps with crafting
  • crafting table as the central tool

What Is Minecraft Crafting?

Initially, Minecraft is built on a simple principle: mine resources and later combine them so that you can construct buildings, redstone circuits or all kinds of structures from them. However, between a resource and a finished building, there are some Minecraft crafting stations. To actually participate in Minecraft crafting, you need a Minecraft crafting window of some kind. These will be explained in the following. However, the basic principle is to put certain items into the grid and then you get another item as a result.

Does all of this sound far too theoretical? No problem, here is a small example: You have cut wood from a tree but now you don’t want to pave the floor for your house with crude logs. Just insert the log in the inventory grid (or Minecraft crafting table grid), where it will be transformed into wooden boards. With these wooden planks you can now build your floor. Visualized, this would look like this:

Minecraft crafting examplecutting trees → log blocks → into crafting grid → wooden planks

Recipe for wooden planks

Minecraft Crafting in the Inventory

Each player automatically has an inventory where 36 items and resources can be stored. There is also a small 2×2 crafting window where the smallest and most basic craftings can take place (e.g. changing logs to wooden planks as in the example above).

Minecraft inventory interface

However, since the Minecraft crafting window in the inventory only offers 4 slots, most items can’t be crafted there. However, one of the most important blocks in the game, the Minecraft crafting table, can be crafted in the inventory.

The Minecraft Crafting Table

The best known and almost self-explanatory means of Minecraft crafting is the Minecraft crafting table, often also called the workbench. 4x wooden planks are enough to create it. It is recommended to create a Minecraft crafting table very early in the game.

4x wooden planks → 1x crafting table

Recipe for Minecraft crafting table

The Minecraft crafting table is the hub for almost every crafting process. The small crafting window in the inventory only allows you to create recipes on a 2×2 crafting window size, which applies to some basic and simple items. A Minecraft crafting table provides the necessary platform for all other recipes with a 3×3 Minecraft crafting window size. Without it, virtually nothing works in the game!

The possibilities of a Minecraft crafting table are manifold and allow you to really get going in the game. It should therefore be placed inside the house (or any other accommodation) and enjoy a certain protection. Players who like to go on expeditions are well advised to always carry a workbench with them in their inventory. Since it doesn’t cost much to craft a Minecraft crafting table, it is a good idea to place several all over your base.

When it comes to crafting, the Minecraft crafting table works like the small crafting window in the inventory: you insert the materials and get the corresponding products or transformations. The recipe book is of course also to be found in the workbench and everything else is very similar to the normal Minecraft crafting process.

Minecraft Crafting Guide Tip: The Recipe Book

Another help for Minecarft crafting, which every player automatically has, is the recipe book. It contains all the manufacturing methods for materials that you have already learned in the game. This happens automatically as soon as you add new raw materials to your inventory. Many basic recipes can be memorized without the book, but it simplifies the Minecraft crafting process and the abundance of possibilities immensely.

Conclusion: Minecraft Crafting

The core principle of Minecraft: crafting. A vital and dynamic aspect of the game that enables players to create everything from basic tools, weapons or armor to complex machinery. By understanding and mastering the Minecraft crafting system, players can enhance their survival skills, build intricate structures and explore endless creative possibilities. Whether you’re forging powerful weapons or constructing your dream home, Minecraft crafting is the cornerstone of achieving success and enjoying the rich, immersive world of the game. This Minecraft crafting guide is only a very broad overview about what is possible but if you want to check it out yourself, you can do so on a Minecraft server from G-Portal. Enjoy Minecraft crafting, crafters!

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