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Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Minecraft Trapdoor

The Talented Minecraft Trapdoor

A Minecraft trapdoor is a redstone construct that can attach to any surface and opens when a redstone signal is sent to it. Even among its other redstone contraption brethren in Minecraft, trapdoor mechanics offer you a unique blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. These versatile blocks are integral to many creative builds and practical mechanisms, enhancing both the visual and operational aspects of the game. In this article, we will delve into the mechanics behind the Minecraft trapdoor, explain how you can craft it for yourself and how you can use the trapdoor to your advantage.

Overview Minecraft Trapdoor:

  • 3 different types
  • used with redstone
  • used for circuits or aesthetics
  • will be updated with 1.21

How to Make Trapdoors in Minecraft

The first aspect we will concern ourselves with is how to craft trapdoors in Minecraft. For this purpose, we have to understand that there are 3 major types of Minecraft trapdoors: 

We will go over each of these categories one by one, showing how to find their materials and how to craft the different kinds of Minecraft trapdoors present in the game.

Wooden Minecraft Trapdoor

At the moment of writing, copper Minecraft trapdoors are not in the game yet but will be implemented with the next update tentatively called ‘Tricky Trials.’ In any case, as you can imagine, the crafting process differs depending on the type of MC trapdoor you want to use. For a wooden trapdoor, the crafting recipe is:

6x planks (any type) = 1x trapdoor

Depending on what type of wood you use, the final Minecraft trapdoor can have different looks. So, using 6x planks of dark oak results in a dark oak trapdoor. There are 11 types of wooden trapdoor Minecraft provides you with:

  • acacia trapdoor
  • bamboo trapdoor
  • birch trapdoor
  • cherry trapdoor
  • crimson trapdoor
  • dark oak trapdoor
  • jungle trapdoor
  • mangrove trapdoor
  • oak trapdoor
  • spruce trapdoor
  • warped trapdoor

All of these Minecraft trapdoors function similarly though, so the only thing you have to look out for is their looks and how they fit within your buildings.

Copper Minecraft Trapdoor

Similarly, copper Minecraft trapdoors function the same way as any wooden trapdoor. Once ‘Tricky Trials’ drops, you will be able to craft copper Minecraft trapdoors thusly:

6x copper ingots = 1x copper trapdoor


6x matching copper blocks = 1x copper trapdoor variety

The main difference here is the state of the copper. In the game, copper can have one of 4 properties that determine its exact appearance:

  • natural
  • exposed
  • weathered
  • oxidized

Additionally, copper can be waxed using beeswax, halting the advancement of oxidation. All 6 blocks of copper you use for the trapdoor must have the same properties and the MC trapdoor that they produce will have the same properties as well. 

Iron Minecraft Trapdoor

Finally, an iron Minecraft trapdoor is crafted this way:

4x iron ingot = 1x iron trapdoor

Generally, Minecraft trapdoors are easy to craft, requiring only a few materials. While copper can be difficult to find in certain biomes, wood and iron are very common.

How to Use Trapdoors in Minecraft

There  are some things all Minecraft trapdoors have in common. Those are:

  • 1×1 block in size, can be placed on the sides, tops or bottoms of other blocks
  • can be in either an open or closed state
  • can be operated using redstone signals
  • act as solid blocks when closed and as non-solid blocks when opened
  • drop themselves as items when broken
  • block water and lava when closed
  • lanterns, torches and flower pots can be attached to closed trapdoors

Meanwhile, other properties are type specific. For wooden Minecraft trapdoors, these are:

  • allow light to pass through when closed
  • can be opened or closed by right-clicking or by using a redstone signal
  • come in different styles and textures matching the type of wood used
  • are flammable and can be set on fire

In contrast, iron Minecraft trapdoors:

  • can only be opened or closed using a redstone signal
  • have higher durability compared to wooden trapdoors
  • have a uniform metallic texture
  • are non-flammable and cannot be set on fire

Keeping these properties in mind, you can construct several useful redstone circuits utilizing the type of Minecraft trapdoor you need. Some players have also searched for a so-called ‘Minecraft redstone trapdoor’, though they are most likely confusing the iron trapdoor for it, as it is the only one that has to be opened using a redstone signal. 

One of the most important interactions Minecraft trapdoors have is with mobs: Their AI always considers them to be closed, even while they are open. This often leads to mobs blindly walking into trapdoor traps, which you can use to your advantage. In the following section, we have compiled a few basic constructs that use one or more Minecraft trapdoors.

Some Minecraft Trapdoor Use Cases

1 Compact Entrances and Exits:

Minecraft trapdoors serve as excellent components for hidden or compact entrances to bases or secret rooms. Their ability to blend seamlessly with the environment makes them perfect for concealed access points.

Example: A hideout that conceals you from other people on an SMP server can make the difference between survival and a digital death.

2 Aesthetic Enhancements:

Wooden Minecraft trapdoors, in particular, can be used as decorative elements. They can act as shutters for windows, tabletops or even as unique wall patterns, adding a touch of detail to builds.

Example: A western-style saloon entrance to your house can be the perfect fit for a themed roleplay.

3 Functional Barriers:

Minecraft trapdoors can block water and lava, offering control over fluid dynamics in builds. This makes them useful in farms, especially for managing water flow in crop irrigation systems.

Example: Using a daylight sensor and some redstone dust, you can ensure that your crops are watered while the sun shines. 

4 Mob Control:

In mob farms, Minecraft trapdoors can manipulate mob movement. Their ability to change states with redstone signals allows for sophisticated trap mechanisms and efficient mob spawning control.

Example: You can keep some spiders or skeletons in an enclosure, building a trap that kills them regularly while keeping the loot secure. This can ensure a steady supply of bone meal or spider eyes.

5 Redstone Contraptions:

The integration of Minecraft trapdoors in redstone circuits opens up a world of possibilities. They can be used in creating hidden doors, drawbridges and timed openings, enhancing the complexity and functionality of redstone projects.

Example: When placing a wolf above a block of water on an MC trapdoor, you can construct a line of redstone dust connected to a button. Pressing the button opens the trapdoor, causing the wolf to stand up so it doesn’t drown. If you are far away enough from the wolf, it will teleport to your side, effectively giving you a button you can push to call reinforcements.

Conclusion: Minecraft Trapdoor

As you have seen, the topic of Minecraft trapdoors is a wide field that offers unlimited creativity. While this is nothing unusual for Minecraft as a whole, the MC trapdoor exemplifies the incredible range of aesthetics and use cases a simple door can provide. Throughout its myriad of visual designs and different properties, the Minecraft trapdoor remains one of the simplest yet useful blocks in the game. What we have provided you with is only a fraction of the applications you can use the Minecraft trapdoor for. If you now want to open the trapdoor to a new world, you can do so on a Minecraft server from G-Portal. Construct your own reality and use minimal resources to do so!

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