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Genre: Open-World-Survival
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Minecraft Villager

You think there is only you, the enemies and a variety of animals in the vastness of the game? Then you’ll be surprised when you suddenly meet Minecraft villagers. They live, work and sleep in villages, just as you would imagine villagers to do. Each of them has a special profession, depending on the items they trade. The villagers accept only emeralds as payment. You profit from trading and can enjoy the gaming experience even more realistically.

Trading Villagers: Professions in the Minecraft World

The muttering villagers of Minecraft are mostly conscientious workers, specialized in their profession. They trade with various goods, i.e. they buy and sell. For each profession there is a job site block where the day’s workload is done. In addition, the clothing of the villagers depends on their profession and the biome in which they live. Thus, there are many signs to recognize a villager.

Minecraft Villager – All Professions at a Glance

ProfessionJob site blockClothing
ArmorerBlast furnace Metal visor
ButcherSmokerRed headband + robes
CartographerCartography tableMonocle
ClericBrewing StandPurple robes + Creeper pattern
FarmerComposterStraw hat
FishermanBarrelFishing hat
FletcherFletching tableFeather hat + quiver
LeatherworkerCauldronBrown robes + gloves
LibrarianLecternReading glasses + book as a hat
MasonStonecutterBlack apron + gloves
NitwitGreen robes
ShepherdLoomBrown feather hat
ToolsmithSmithing tableBlack robes
Unemployed Biome clothing
WeaponsmithGrindstoneBlack apron + eye patch

Career levels: Rising in the Ranks of the Villagers

Not all Villagers are equal. Within their ranks, there are different career levels they can achieve. This applies even for the nitwits. Each time you trade with a villager, he gains experience and moves up a career level if possible. As his career level increases, so does his trade. The fastest way to level up villagers is to take advantage of newly added offers.

At the beginning, a villager is at the novice level. With a certain number of experience points, he moves up one level in their career and receives the following levels:

  • Apprentice (10 XP)
  • Journeyman (60 XP)
  • Expert (100 XP)
  • Master (150 XP)

Minecraft trading gets you ahead bit by bit. Instead of looking for several trading villagers, it is therefore worthwhile to look for only one contact person of each profession and to level them up specifically.

Your Villager Trading Guide – How to Trade

All villager trades can be done several times and this process is very easy if you follow the main steps.

  1. Approach the villager. If you already know what he is trading by his appearance, you can either hold emeralds or an item the villager can buy in your hand. Then he will react to you and holds the corresponding item in his hand.
  2. Open the trading menu with a right mouse click on the villager. 
  3. Now you can start trading: similar to the crafting window, there are two fields on the left and one on the right. Symbols show you which items can be traded. 
  4. Items that are still in the left fields when you end the trade will be dropped.

If you trade with a new item, the villager opens new trade levels. These levels are limited in number depending on the villager’s career level. If a trade is repeated often and reaches its limit, it will be locked. This offer cannot be traded again until it is renewed by the villager. This happens when he works on his job site block.


You need new armor but you don’t want to craft it yourself and you have too many emeralds in your pocket? Take a look at the armor smith. With his metal visor on, he stands at his blast furnace, which can be crafted with iron ingot, smooth stone and a furnace, and forges the iron. He deals mostly in armour made of iron, chains, or diamonds if you give him emeralds. Of course, if you give him coal, iron ingots, lava buckets or diamonds, he won’t miss the chance to slip you some emeralds. 

Armorer trading guide Job site block: Blast Furnace
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Coal x15 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x4 Iron Boots x1 6 2
Emerald x5 Iron Helmet x1 6 2
Emerald x7 Iron Leggings x1 6 2
Emerald x9 Iron Chestplate x1 6 2
Apprentice Iron Ingot x4 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x1 Chainmail Boots x1 6 10
Emerald x3 Chainmail Leggings x1 6 10
Emerald x36 Bell x1 6 10
Journeyman Lava Bucket x1 Emerald x1 6 10
Diamond x1 Emerald x1 6 15
Emerald x1 Chainmail Helmet x1 6 20
Emerald x4 Chainmail Chestplate x1 6 20
Emerald x5 Shield x1 6 20
Expert Emerald x11-27 Enchanted Diamond Boots x1 2 30
Emerald x18-35 Enchanted Diamond Leggings x1 2 30
Master Emerald x11-27 Enchanted Diamond Helmet x1 2 0
Emerald x18-35 Enchanted Diamond Chestplate x1 2 0


The butcher in Minecraft wears a highly visible red headband and a robe as he goes about his work at his smoker. This can also be quickly crafted yourself by combining logs and an oven in the right combination. Afterwards, you can trade different kinds of raw meat, coal, or even sweet berries for emeralds and different foods. Therefore, give him a lot of raw meat to let him level up before you can eventually give him the sweet berries, because these are only possible at the master level.

Butcher trading guideJob site Block: Smoker
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Raw Rabbit x4 Emerald x1 8 1
Raw Porkchop x7 Emerald x1 8 1
Raw Chicken x14 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x1 Rabbit Stew x1 6 2
Apprentice Coal x15 Emerald x1 8 5
Emerald x1 Cooked Porkchop x5 8 10
Emerald x1 Cooked Chicken x8 8 10
Journeyman Raw Mutton x7 Emerald x1 8 10
Raw Beef x10 Emerald x1 8 10
Expert Dried Kelp Block x10 Emerald x1 6 15
Master Sweet Berries x10 Emerald x1 6 0


If you want to go on a discovery tour, you should always be well prepared! A few maps in the luggage can not hurt, and where would you get them faster than from a good cartographer? A little paper, a few wooden boards and a villager gets his map table and can get to work. His monocle certainly helps him a lot. So approach him with paper, glass panes, compasses or emeralds and start trading. Depending on the level, you can get empty maps, various explorer maps, frames, banners, banner patterns or emeralds from him. So trading with the cartographer is definitely worth it before starting a new adventure!

Cartographer trading guideJob site Block: Cartography Table
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Paper x24 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x7 Empty Map x1 6 2
Apprentice Glass Pane x11 Emerald x1 8 5
Emerald x13 + Compass x1 Ocean Explorer Map x1 6 10
Journeyman Compass x1 Emerald x1 6 15
Emerald x14 + Compass x1 Woodland Explorer Map x1 6 10
Expert Emerald x3 Banner x1 6 30
Emerald x7 Item Frame x1 6 30
Master Emerald x8 Globe Banner Pattern x1 6 0


If you thought that you only need the brewing stand for your personal career as an alchemist, you are wrong. If you find a brewing stand in a village, a cleric is usually not far away, because this block serves him as a job site block. So, be on the lookout for a purple robe with a creeper pattern so you don’t miss the cleric! His offer starts with rotten meat, goes over gold ingots to scutes and nether warts, which you can give him for emeralds. Or you can trade emeralds for lapis lazuli, glowstone, or ender pearls. Of course, these aren’t all of the offers, so stop by the nearest cleric!

Cleric trading guideJob site Block: Brewing Stand
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Rotten Flesh x32 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x1 Redstone Dust x2 6 2
Apprentice Gold Ingot x3 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x1 Lapis Lazuli x1 6 10
Journeyman Rabbit’s Foot x2 Emerald x1 6 10
Emerald x4 Glowstone x1 6 20
Expert Scute x4 Emerald x1 6 15
Glass Bottle x9 Emerald x1 6 20
Emerald x5 Ender Pearl x1 6 30
Master Nether Wart x22 Emerald x1 6 0
Emerald x3 Bottle o’ Enchanting x1 6 0


The farmer should not be underestimated! His trademark is a straw hat, which makes him easily recognizable. You can find him next to a composter, which can be made with wooden slabs. With him you can exchange food, such as carrots, apples or wheat, for emeralds. At the same time, you can also get bread from him for emeralds. The higher the level of the villager, the better the items he trades.  For example, you can get golden carrots or glistering melon slices from a master-level farmer in exchange for emeralds.

Farmer Trading GuideJob site Block: Composter
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Carrot x22 Emerald x1 8 1
Potato x22 8 1
Beetroot x15 8 1
Wheat x20 8 1
Emerald x1 Bread x6 8 2
Apprentice Pumpkin x6 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x1 Pumpkin Pie x4 6 10
Emerald x1 Apple x4 8 10
Journeyman Melon x4 Emerald x1 6 10
Emerald x3 Cookie x18 6 20
Expert Emerald x1 Cake x1 6 30
Emerald x1 Suspicious Stew x1 6 30
Master Emerald x3 Golden Carrot x3 6 0
Emerald x4 Glistering Melon Slice x3 6 0


You’re walking through a village and see an interesting-looking Minecraft villager standing next to a barrel? Don’t worry, this person doesn’t have any shady business in mind! It’s the fisherman with his fisherman’s hat, just waiting for you to push emeralds or fish over the barrel with him, inconspicuously of course. So if you need a fisherman, build the barrel, his job site block, out of wooden planks and wooden steps and let the trading begin! In exchange for coal, string, raw fish or a boat, you can get emeralds. The other way around, you can trade emeralds for cooked fish, a campfire, or even an enchanted fishing rod, for example. Of course, the goods to trade depend on the level of the fisherman, but the more you trade, the faster he levels up, so what are you waiting for?

Fisherman trading guideJob site Block: Barrel
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Coal x10 Emerald x1 8 1
String x20 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x1 + Raw Cod x6 Cooked Cod x6 8 2
Emerald x3 Bucket of Cod x1 8 2
Apprentice Raw Cod x15 Emerald x1 8 5
Emerald x1 + Raw Salmon x6 Cooked Salmon x6 8 2
Emerald x2 Campfire x1 6 10
Journeyman Raw Salmon x13 Emerald x1 8 10
Emerald x7-22 Enchanted Fishing Rod x1 2 20
Expert Tropical Fish x6 Emerald x1 6 15
Master Pufferfish x4 Emerald x1 6 0
Boat x1 Emerald x1 6 0


No, the person with the feathered hat and quiver you saw in the village was not Robin Hood, but the nice fletcher next door. All day long he makes (enchanted) bows and crossbows, or tipped arrows, at his fletching table. So it starts with a few wooden boards and flints for his job site block and ends in brisk trade, with emeralds and hunting utilities crossing the table. If you don’t have emeralds with you, you can also offer him sticks, flint, string, feathers or tripwire hooks, because that’s how you level him up.

Fletcher trading guideJob site Block: Fletching Table
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Stick x32 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x1 Arrow x16 6 2
Emerald x1 + Gravel x10 Flint x10 6 2
Apprentice Flint x26 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x2 Bow x1 6 10
Journeyman String x14 Emerald x1 8 20
Emerald x3 Crossbow x1 6 20
Expert Feather x24 Emerald x1 8 15
Emerald x7-22 Enchanted Bow x1 2 30
Master Tripwire Hook x8 Emerald x1 6 0
Emerald x7-22 Enchanted Crossbow x1 2 0
Emerald x2 + Arrow x5 Tipped Arrow x5 6 0


Grab some iron ingots, build a cauldron and wait for a leatherworker to show up around you soon! He uses the cauldron as his workplace. There you can trade with him, of course. His products for sale are mainly leather clothes, such as boots, tunics or pants. With a leatherworker on master level you even have the chance to get an enchanted leather cap or a saddle if you give him some emeralds. If he hasn’t reached that level yet, you can also just give him leather, flint, or rabbit hide and exchange it for emeralds. If you are not sure yet, you can always recognize him by his brown robes and his gloves.

Leatherworker trading guideJob site Block: Cauldron
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Leather x6 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x3 Leather Pants x1 6 2
Emerald x7 Leather Tunic x1 6 2
Apprentice Flint x26 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x4 Leather Boots x1 6 10
Emerald x5 Leather Cap x5 6 10
Journeyman Rabbit Hide x9 Emerald x1 6 10
Emerald x7 Enchanted Leather Tunic x1 6 20
Expert Scute x4 Emerald x1 6 15
Emerald x6 Leather Horse Armor x1 6 30
Master Emerald x5 Enchanted Leather Cap x1 6 0
Emerald x6 Saddle x1 6 0


With his reading glasses on his nose and a book on his head, the librarian not only looks very lovable and like a jovial contemporary, but is also the right place to start a lively trade. His workplace is a reading desk. If you want to turn a sleeping Minecraft villager into a librarian, simply build the appropriate job site block with wooden steps and a bookshelf and place it next to the villager. After that, you can trade with him. Besides a certain item, which changes depending on the level, you’ll profit from the librarian mainly by giving him diamonds and receiving enchanted books, clocks or lanterns in return.

Librarian trading guideJob site Block: Lectern
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Paper x24 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x5-64 + Book x1 Enchanted Book x1 6 2
Emerald x6 Bookshelf x3 6 2
Apprentice Book x4 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x5-64 + Book x1 Enchanted Book x1 6 10
Emerald x1 Lantern x1 6 10
Journeyman Ink Sac x5 Emerald x1 6 10
Emerald x5-64 + Book x1 Enchanted Book x1 6 20
Emerald x1 Glass x4 6 20
Expert Book x2 + Quill x2 Emerald x1 6 15
Emerald x5-64 + Book x1 Enchanted Book x1 6 30
Emerald x4 Compass x1 6 30
Emerald x5 Clock x1 6 30
Master Emerald x20 Name Tag x1 6 0


The mason doesn’t need more than a stone cutter to be happy and be able to work. If you don’t have a mason around yet, just play fate yourself and trick a sleeping villager. After all, a stone saw is quickly made with an iron ingot and some stone. With his black apron and gloves, you can usually spot and approach him pretty quickly then. As you would expect, he deals in various types of stone, such clay balls, stone or diorite, but especially emeralds. In exchange, he offers you not only emeralds but also bricks, polished stone types, terracotta or quartz.

Mason trading guideJob site Block: Stonecutter
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Clay Ball x10 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x1 Brick x10 8 2
Apprentice Stone x20 Emerald x1 8 5
Emerald x1 Chiseled Stone Bricks x4 8 10
Journeyman Andesite x16 Emerald x1 8 10
Diorite x16 Emerald x1 8 10
Granite x16 Emerald x1 8 10
Emerald x1 Polished Andesite x4 8 10
Emerald x1 Polished Diorite x4 8 10
Emerald x1 Polished Granite x4 8 10
Expert Nether Quartz x12 Emerald x1 15
Emerald x1 Colored Terracotta x1 6 30
Emerald x1 Glazed Terracotta x1 6 30
Master Emerald x1 Block of Quartz x1 6 0
Emerald x1 Quartz Pillar x1 6 0


The brown feathered hat really suits the shepherd. It also makes him instantly recognizable when he’s standing next to his loom. How can you make it yourself and give it to a Minecraft villager? You don’t need more than a few wooden planks and some string. Once he has started work, you can trade until you are rich. The shepherd accepts various types of wool and trades them with you for emeralds. This villager has the most trading opportunities at the lower levels. At the same time, he is your contact if you need shears, carpets, beds, banners or paintings, because you can get them from him for emeralds.

Shepherd trading guideJob site Block: Loom
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Black Wool x18 Emerald x1 8 1
Gray Wool x18 Emerald x1 8 1
White Wool x18 Emerald x1 8 1
Brown Wool x18 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x2 Shears x1 6 2
Apprentice Black Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 5
Gray Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 5
White Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 5
Light Blue Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 5
Lime Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 5
Emerald x1 Wool x1 8 10
Emerald x1 Carpet x4 8 10
Journeyman Light Gray Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 10
Yellow Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 10
Orange Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 10
Red Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 10
Pink Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 10
Emerald x3 Bed x1 6 20
Expert Magenta Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 15
Purple Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 15
Blue Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 15
Cyan Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 15
Green Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 15
Brown Dye x12 Emerald x1 8 15
Emerald x3 Banner x1 6 30
Master Emerald x2 Painting x3 6 0


Simple and inconspicuous, that is how the toolsmith appears at first glance. You may have crafted a blacksmith’s table out of iron ingots and wooden planks at some point, and now he’s standing next to it, waiting for his customers. Offer him coal, iron ingots, flint or diamonds for emeralds. Afterwards you can immediately invest these emeralds again and exchange all kinds of tools with the tool smith. Axes, shovels, pickaxes, there is something for everyone. Depending on the level, you get the tools made of stone, iron or diamond, often even enchanted. So what are you waiting for? With this offer, you can’t say no, can you?

Tool Smith trading guideJob site Block: Smithing Table
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Coal x15 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x1 Stone Axe x1 6 2
Emerald x1 Stone Shovel x1 6 2
Emerald x1 Stone Pickaxe x1 6 2
Emerald x1 Stone Hoe x1 6 2
Apprentice Iron Ingot x4 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x36 Bell x1 6 20
Journeyman Flint x24 Emerald x1 6 10
Emerald x4 Diamond Hoe x1 2 20
Emerald x7-22 Enchanted Iron Axe x1 2 20
Emerald x7-22 Enchanted Iron Shovel x1 2 20
Emerald x7-22 Enchanted Iron Pickaxe x1 2 20
Expert Diamond x1 Emerald x1 6 15
Emerald x18-35 Enchanted Diamond Axe x1 2 30
Emerald x11-27 Enchanted Diamond Shovel x1 2 30
Master Emerald x18-35 Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe x1 2 0


The Weaponsmith looks menacing with his black apron and eye patch, but like all living Minecraft villagers he is peaceful. He pursues his profession at the grindstone and makes weapons. Next time you visit him, offer him coal, iron ingots, flint or diamonds and receive emeralds in return. If you prefer to spend the emeralds yourself, look forward to weapons like axes and swords, which are even enchanted at the higher levels. And if there is no weaponsmith in your village yet, it’s high time! Grab some wooden planks, sticks and a stone step and let’s go! Now add a sleeping villager and you’re one step closer to having a future weaponsmith.

Weapon Smiths trading guideJob site Block: Grindstone
Level Item wanted + quantity Item given+ quantity Max. Trades XP to Villager
Novice Coal x15 Emerald x1 8 1
Emerald x3 Iron Axe x1 6 1
Emerald x7-22 Enchanted Iron Sword x1 2 1
Apprentice Iron Ingot x4 Emerald x1 6 5
Emerald x36 Bell x1 6 20
Journeyman Flint x24 Emerald x1 6 10
Expert Diamond x1 Emerald x1 6 15
Emerald x18-35 Enchanted Diamond Axe x1 2 30
Master Emerald x11-27 Enchanted Diamond Sword x1 2 0

Not Only Trading Villagers – Special Cases of Villagers

Minecraft Zombie Villager: Friend & Enemy

Zombie villagers are similar to normal villagers in many ways. They pursue the same professions and advance to the same career levels. The crucial difference: these NPCs are hostile and try to turn other villagers into zombies. However, you can prevent that! If you encounter a zombie villager, you can heal him. This will turn him into an ordinary villager, who will keep his profession and career level. To do this, you just have to throw a potion of weakness at him and then give him a golden apple.

A Matter of Luck: Wandering Trader

Another special Villager is the wandering trader. Minecraft offers you the possibility to buy goods from this NPC. As the name suggests, it is a trader that wanders around and spawns randomly. Strictly speaking, he is not a villager, but he looks very similar to them. He also does not have career levels. His supply is randomly generated when he spawns and does not expand after trading.

Villagers Fun Facts

  • If lightning strikes near a villager, he becomes a witch
  • Villagers are afraid of the dark
  • They run faster than players at night
  • Villagers cannot use iron doors or trapdoors 
  • Each Villager has an individual relationship with you and other players, which is generated using a measurement scale (+10 to -30). So you can gain points in popularity, but losing points can also weaken your relationship with the villager. This has an effect on your trade.
  • If a villager sleeps and you destroy his job site block, he loses his profession
  • If you give a sleeping villager a job site block, he will take this profession
  • Villagers can sleep in boats
  • They can reproduce under the right conditions (beds, food & willingness)
  • You will not be rewarded with XP when trading with the wandering trader

Conclusion Minecraft Villagers

Did we help you navigate through the complex social construct of Minecraft villagers? Then you should jump right into your next adventure! On a Minecraft server from G-Portal you can level up an entire village together with your friends and get the best offers even faster.

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