ARK Fishing and Cooking Guide
As in any other survival game, in ARK: Survival Evolved you will of course have to make sure that there is always enough food to ensure your survival in the wilderness. In ARK, you can cook and fish, for example, and here we explain how that works.
Cooking with a cooking pot and others
To cook in ARK you need either a cooking pot, an industrial grill, an industrial stove or a campfire. The campfire and industrial grill are used to prepare raw meat, and the cooking pot and industrial stove are needed to prepare recipes.
For making drinks you need a water bag, which must be at least 25% full of water. Straw, wood, ignition powder, and angler gel will serve as fuel for your cookstove. For the industrial stove and the industrial grill you need gasoline as fuel. Besides food, drinks and Kibble, you can also make different colors of dye and soap in the Cooking Pot.
ARK - Industrial Grill, Cooking Pot & Co.
Find recipes and create your own
You can easily create your own recipes. The following procedure is necessary:
- First make a note, for this you only need 3 straw and 1 fiber. You can then create the note in your inventory
- Put the note into a cooking pot and open the menu
- Now customize the name, description and other options
- Add the ingredients to the recipe in your inventory
- Now go to the cooking pot menu and light the fire to cook the recipe and its ingredients
- You can now place the finished recipe in a shelf or cupboard
- Cooked food usually has a longer shelf life than other foods and, stored in the refrigerator, can last quite a long time
The more ingredients you add and the more fancy the recipe gets, the higher its values will be after completion. You can also combine two recipes to get an even more complex recipe with better values.
Find interesting recipes in the artifacts that occasionally appear in random places. Likewise, you can find recipes while fishing or in the inventory of various dinosaurs. Some recipes offer certain effects that can affect your stamina or oxygen, for example.
Fishing in ARK - How and where?
To be able to fish in ARK: Survival Evolved, you'll need a fishing rod and you'll have to sit on a chair, a bench, a canoe or a pelagornis in the water. Also, you'll need a bait and you'll have to choose the appropriate one - each bait attracts a certain type and size of fish.
Below we explain what you need to pay attention to in order to fish successfully:
- Make sure that there is a sufficient number of the fish you want to catch in the water area
- Place your fishing rod on the quick selection and attach the appropriate bait to the rod
- Place your seat in such a way that you face the swarm of fish
- Activate your fishing rod and throw it out with the left mouse button - now you have to wait for a fish to bite
- Once the fish bites, you have to fight for the fish in a small "game" - press the displayed letters in the right order and the fish is yours
- If everything went successfully, there are other items besides the fish that you can find randomly. These include, for example, black pearls, charcoal, gun / black powder or rare flowers or mushrooms. Blueprints can also be found during the fishing process
- To stop fishing, press the right mouse button, but you will lose your bait and prey
- If you put a chair on a raft, you have a mobile fishing station - but if another player of your tribe moves the raft, your fishing line will break
- However, a platform for fishing on a dinosaur does not work, because then you can not select the fishing line
ARK: Survival Evolved Server from GPORTAL
Create your own recipes or find ones that provide you with valuable effects, cook fortifying dishes and catch fish while collecting items or blueprints. Do you still need an ARK server? Then rent your own ARK: Survival Evolved server from GPORTAL right away - uncomplicated and without obligation.