We at GPORTAL are aware of the responsibility we have towards our planet. Here we show you the measures we take as a company to decrease our carbon footprint. We also show you what you can do to help.

we focus on renewable Energy

Our server locations in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt already run on 100% renewable energy. And this is just the beginning, the share of renewable energy in all our locations around the globe is steadily increasing!

we focus on renewable Energy

We power down unused servers

Electricity is valuable to us, thus we power down servers that are no longer needed immediately and automatically. This allows us to save thousands of kilowatts of electricity annually compared to other server hosts.

we choose energy efficient CPUs

Not all CPUs are the same. To save energy and make the best use of it, we only use CPUS that have the best energy efficiency. Always pay attention to the hardware you use, each one can make a difference!

We rely on energy-efficient cooling systems

At GPORTAL, we rely on data centers equipped with energy-saving air conditioning systems that cool with up to 90% fresh air. The exhaust and supply air control is computer-controlled and an innovative separation of hot and cold air is achieved. Thanks that we have a better PUE factor, which means that we need less electricity to cool down the same amount of servers.

Running a game server for a year has the same CO2 emissions as 3/4 of a frozen pizza!

Running a game server for a year has the same CO2 emissions as 3/4 of a frozen pizza!

1.2 kg Co2


3/4 Frozen Pizza CO2 emissions

1.2 kg Co2

Here’s what you can do to help save the planet

Digital downloads instead of  physical cases
Digital downloads instead of physical cases
Choosing digital downloads over physical cases saves the environment by reducing plastic waste, minimizing shipping emissions, and conserving resources used in production. This eco-friendly option promotes sustainability and helps lower our carbon footprint.
Separate plastic packaging properly
Separate plastic packaging properly
Properly separating plastic packaging is crucial for environmental health and sustainability. It ensures effective recycling, reduces landfill waste, and conserves natural resources. By sorting plastics correctly, we can lower pollution, save energy, and support a circular economy for a greener future.
Prefer pre-owned technology or rent
Prefer pre-owned technology or rent
Opting for used tech or renting devices helps save the environment and promote sustainability. It reduces electronic waste, conserves resources, and minimizes the carbon footprint from manufacturing new products. Choosing pre-owned or rental tech supports a greener, more sustainable future.
Deactivate RGB lighting
Deactivate RGB lighting
Disabling RGB lighting on your PC or in your room helps the environment by reducing energy consumption. This simple action conserves resources and lowers electricity usage, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.
Dispose of old devices at recycling centers
Dispose of old devices at recycling centers
Dispose of old tech devices at proper recycling centers to ensure environmentally friendly processing. This prevents harmful e-waste from polluting landfills, conserves valuable materials, and reduces environmental impact. Responsible recycling helps protect our planet and promotes sustainable waste management.
Rent Servers
Rent Servers
Renting servers is crucial for the environment, especially with providers like GPORTAL. We use renewable energy in our data centers, ensuring a green footprint and promoting sustainability. Choosing GPORTAL supports eco-friendly practices, helping to protect our planet while meeting your server needs.
Switch off instead of standby mode
Switch off instead of standby mode
Turning off your devices instead of using standby mode is vital for the environment. It saves energy, reduces electricity consumption, and lowers carbon emissions, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.
Clean PC components regularly
Clean PC components regularly
Regularly cleaning your PC components is crucial for environmental conservation and longevity. It reduces heat buildup, extends hardware lifespan, and minimizes electronic waste. Proper maintenance ensures efficient use of resources and supports sustainable tech practices.