Boats in Minecraft
Are you tired of roaming the world of Minecraft, seeing jungles and plains full of hostile mobs? Luckily, there is a great alternative as long as you have a Minecraft boat!
Minecraft Boat
Don’t waste your time climbing mountains if you can simply go around them. Roam the seven seas, or however many there are. Let’s find that out, too!
Minecraft Boat: Build, Explore & Have Fun
Basically, all you need is to craft a boat in Minecraft, of course. To do so, just get yourself five wooden planks, place them in u-shape in the crafting window and there it is! Adventure awaits so be sure to be prepared. There are several ways to go on your little expedition. A Minecraft boat can carry two entities which means you can travel with your friends! Or you can bring back a cat you befriended on your adventure, that’s up to you. But you know what’s even better? If each one of you has their own boat you can also bring chests along. Put a chest and the boat in the crafting window and you get, well, a chest boat. Minecraft wants to make sure you bring back home as many items as possible so this is quite the cool solution, isn’t it? Also it’s just really relaxing roaming the sea.
4 Amazing Minecraft Boat Ideas!
Is this all there is to a Minecraft boat? Well, to be fair, what did you expect? It allows you to explore the sea, search for the mark on a map, bring cool items with you, find other biomes or meet rare animals. We know that if you hear the words Minecraft boat you think of huge floating building-like things, right? Yes, we can do that! It’s Minecraft which means you can craft nearly everything. Let’s just make it bigger! Let’s make it a Minecraft ship, even though there isn’t really a difference between a boat and a ship, is it? However, there is one tiny little side effect: A Minecraft ship that is not like the item Minecraft boat can’t move. It will basically be like a house. But it’s on the water so that’s still pretty awesome. We’ll show you 4 cool Minecraft boat ideas for your next building adventure!
Cozy Minecraft Boat – The Houseboat
It’s small and cozy, easy to build and will look really fantastic in the middle of a jungle. We’re talking about a nice little house boat. Minecraft leaves all creative decisions open. Make it cubic or build it as an old fishing boat not in action anymore. How about an old-fashioned steam boat? You can build it nearly everywhere. All you need is a little bit of water, not even the open sea. And if it’s a lake and your friends ask you how that Minecraft boat got there? Well, we will never find out. Live your life as an explorer who lives down the river somewhere in the woods. Those tiny Minecraft ships also serve great as hideouts for your adventures far away from the base. All it a safe space when night falls and hostile mobs appear!
The Luxurious Minecraft Yacht
Bigger is better, isn’t it? Although a Minecraft Yacht can’t move either, they look absolutely fabulous! Place them away from the shore, make it big and shiny, use glass windows and lights and there it is. From far away it will look great at night. Just pretend you’re throwing a wild party over there! The best part about it? Such a Minecraft ship is the best place to hide important things! The only way to get access is by swimming or by crossing the sea with the Minecraft boat item. Make it have some beds and it’s the perfect place to stay for the night crafting without getting interrupted by some annoying spiders or other creatures.
After the Minecraft Boat: Shipwreck
It is broken but don’t worry! That’s meant to be broken. We don’t mean the shipwrecks you can find in the ocean although those are pretty cool, too. No, we’re talking about a shipwreck you build yourself. You can make it a legendary story about a flood some hundreds of years ago and now all that’s left is a shipwreck in the middle of the desert. Or your Minecraft ship just crashed into a mountain or ice berg and got stuck there. It’s up to you. Oh, and it doesn’t just look amazing but it’s also a great place to hide your precious belongings and feel like a pirate. Just saying.
The Viking Boat: Minecraft or Valhalla?
The title of this one is pretty self-explanatory, don’t you think? Imagine a viking boat then make it Minecraft style. Red and white wool (or any color you like) will give the sails the typical touch and some ornaments on the sides will do the rest. Maybe other players will think you are about to go to war. Who knows. This Minecraft boat could be the perfect place to train some pvp tactics with your friends to see who is the first to go overboard. At least, if you are the one to lose you can still pretend to go to Valhalla. Doesn’t actually sound bad. All you have to do is find your inner viking and make the dream of a viking boat Minecraft style come true.
Minecraft Viking Boat
Conclusion Minecraft Boat
So, will you be the next pirate captain in Minecraft, a true viking or just living the dream somewhere on your little boat? All you need to do is grab that little Minecraft boat and off you go roaming the world to find the perfect place for a second non-moving boat. Oh, and keep looking out for those other shipwrecks we mentioned! They hide cool stuff, too! How about starting this new adventure with your friends on a Minecraft server from G-Portal? Have fun and sea ya soon!
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