Enshrouded Update #4 is knocking Background

Enshrouded Update #4 is knocking

October 8, 2024
2 minutes to read

There is news! Keen Games has announced a new update for Enshrouded, which contains great and exciting new content for you. Read on in the GPORTAL blog to find out what we know so far about the fourth Enshrouded update.

New weather system for more challenge

The developers of Enshrouded really listen to their players very closely and put a lot of heart and soul into the further development of the game, because a great new feature in the fourth Enshrouded update will be the new weather system. It has been long desired and Keen Games has implemented it – with rainy cold, freezing snow and raging storms, you will experience Enshrouded in a completely new way and get breathtaking gameplay.

Numerous weather conditions can make survival in Enshrouded very difficult. It starts with the dense fog, which can significantly impair your vision, continues with the snow, which makes it difficult for you to keep warm, and ends with the storms, which are not conducive to the easy construction of any buildings. So the bases you have built so far will have to be adapted to the weather or even rebuilt from scratch, and you will need to wrap yourself in suitable clothing to survive in freezing regions.

Pets and farm animals – more life in Enshrouded

Another really ingenious new feature of Enshrouded are some new creatures: pets and farm animals. Of course, we don't yet know exactly how this will work, but we can certainly assume that the farm animals in particular will be able to take on a few tasks and create new areas. Furthermore, there will now be NPCs in your base that move around, providing a more realistic and immersive gaming experience.

Up the mountain via new levels

By far the biggest change brought about by the upcoming Enshrouded update, however, is a completely new biome. This will be located in the northern region in the mountains and will probably be covered with lots of snow. It will also include new quests, resources, and, of course, adventures and challenges that will bring further variety to Enshrouded. However, the new biome in the mountains does not only bring positive developments; new enemies and, of course, weather conditions will also make it more difficult for you to find new resources, for example.

In addition, the new update will give you the opportunity to level up further and thus develop your character even more. To be precise, you have ten more levels to unlock new materials and other nice items.

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Keen Games knows how to build excitement, because all the great news naturally creates a lot of anticipation, but creative director Antony Christoulakis unfortunately couldn't yet give an exact date in the info video. However, he encouraged all fans and enthusiasts of Enshrouded to continue to provide Keen Games with plenty of feedback and input so that you too can be involved in the further development of Enshrouded. One thing we already know for sure: the fourth Enshrouded update will be gigantic and breathtaking and we can hardly wait!

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