A Splashing Minecraft Fountain
In every village, it is the starting point for all paths and a meeting place for the inhabitants: the Minecraft Fountain.
The Minecraft Fountain: Better than any oasis
This building has a customized design for each biome and is often the only source of water in the desert. Its simple appearance makes it easy to build and a perfect project for beginners. And because we know that some players might miss the spark that ignites their ideas, we'll give you a little insight into Minecraft fountains.
The basics: Build a Minecraft Fountain in your Village
Since any existing Minecraft fountain in any given biome consists of different blocks, it's up to you which materials you choose for your own Minecraft fountain. We show it using the example 'Minecraft Fountain in the Grasslands':
- To create your base area, put down 6x6 blocks of cobblestone but leave a 2x2 hole in the middle
- Place a square in the middle of the 6x6 area: 4x4 blocks of cobblestone, leaving another 2x2 hole in the middle
- Dig that 2x2 hole 10 blocks deeper so that a 2x2x10 deep tunnel is created (you can now fill it with water)
Now it's time for the roof of the Minecraft Fountain:
- Now construct two fences on top of each other at the corners of the tube, so that at 4 poles protrude into the air
- On these, you build a 4x4 area of cobblestone
And your Minecraft fountain based on the game template is ready! Of course, you can also make the roof converge at the top like a pyramid or add decorations such as glowberries. That's entirely up to you. That was quite simple, wasn't it?
One step higher - build a custom Minecraft fountain
A Minecraft fountain can be a beautiful addition to your world, even if the water doesn't literally bubble and splash. But you're in luck! Building a functional Minecraft Fountain is actually quite simple too.
- Build a base area of at least 3x3
- Build a 1 block high barrier around it so that you have built a pool
- Build a column in the middle, as high as you want your fountain to be
- Let water flow from the top of the column by clicking on the right with the bucket of water in your hand
Now you can watch the water flow down to the bottom of the fountain. This is of course only a very simple version. The shape of the basin is also entirely up to you. If you have created your Minecraft Fountain so large that the water doesn't quite fill the bottom of the basin, simply add as much water to the basin afterwards until the bottom is completely covered with water.
And tada! Your Minecraft fountain is finished. What do you mean? You think it looks too simple and boring? Then let's pimp it up a bit!
From Stone to Beauty - Minecraft Fountain Designs
Minecraft itself already offers many decorative elements that can make your world much more attractive. Flowers, bushes and grass provide a pleasant flora, while lanterns and other light sources can make the design for your Minecraft Fountain shine.
But for those who want to show off their architectural skills a little more, here are a few tips to embellish the water flow in a Minecraft fountain. The magic word is 'steps'. Well, and also half steps and blocks of the same material. You can, for example:
- Place steps on each side of the column on the ground
- Alternate between inverted steps and steps
- Extend these constructions on the sides with half steps or complete blocks
- Extend a Minecraft Fountain far out at the bottom with long chains of steps
There are certainly a few ways to embellish your Minecraft fountain and these are just a few ideas. They can be combined and expanded, so feel free to go wild! When you’re done, simply let water flow over the Minecraft Fountain from the top and marvel at your new creation.
Place sea lanterns at individual points on the column to make your Minecraft fountain glow at night.
Technology meets Nature - the Redstone Minecraft Fountain
Yes, we admit it: in the long run, the fountain that always flows the same way can be a bit boring, because in real life it doesn't do that either. To make your MC Fountain splash nicely, good old redstone comes into play. Let's go through it:
- 1x sticky piston
- 1x slime block
- 1x redstone comparator
- 2x hoppers
- 8x obsidian
- blocks of your choice
- water bucket
- 1x bow
- arrows with water breathing
- Dig a hole 2 blocks deep and place the sticky piston in it, pointing upwards
- Place the slime block on top
- Remove the blocks around the slime block and place obsidian blocks there
- Dig a parallel 2x3x2 hole next to one side of the bottom of your well and remove the corresponding block to create a connection to the sticky piston
- Place the Redstone Comparator in the connecting passage and make sure it is set to default
- Hold Shift and place two hoppers in the hole so that they have a connection to the redstone comparator; remove the outer hopper and then connect it directly to the other (so that they continuously send signals to the comparator)
- Throw a block into the hopper device, now the sticky piston should move continuously
- First, close the hole and then build a rim around your fountain to create a basin that you can fill with water
- Once you have filled the basin, shoot at the piston above your fountain with your bow and the arrows enchanted with water breathing
The more often you shoot at your Minecraft Fountain, the stronger your fountain becomes. All you have to do now is decorate the fountain however you want and your automatic Minecraft fountain is ready
Make sure that you don't walk directly through the nozzle so that you don't get hit by the arrows.
Minecraft fountains are a wonderful addition to your world and there are no limits when it comes to your creativity of fountain design. Maybe you'll build a huge Minecraft fountain with several levels or even work vegetable beds into the fountain? Or maybe you could build real figures from which water flows? Or do you already have a much better idea? Why not jump straight onto a Minecraft server from G-Portal and test out all your ideas? After all, you can also create a wonderful castle park with the Minecraft Fountain. Or with lots of fountains. If one Minecraft Fountain is not enough.