Are There Volcanoes in Minecraft?
Are there volcanoes in Minecraft yet? Sadly, no.
Minecraft Volcano
At maximum, you could imagine the Nether as the inside of a gigantic volcano, even though that doesn't measure up to the real thing. But that hasn’t stopped players before, has it? So, what if you wanted to see these magnificent burning mountains in your blocky world? If you want to know how to get a volcano in Minecraft, stay tuned. Let us go on a journey toward rivers of lava, heaps of obsidian and scorched biomes devoid of life. What better place to live could there be?
(That's a picture of the Nether biome BUT this does look very volcan-ish, does it?)
How to Get a Volcano in Minecraft
Now, here we are. Standing in the middle of your map, feeling severely under-volcano-ed. We know how unsatisfying that is. The air is just too clean, the sky too blue and everything is way too cold. All of those animals and plants around you – wouldn’t obsidian and gravel look much nicer? But all of these problems can be solved with one simple solution: a Minecraft volcano, created for you and you alone – or you and your friends if you play on a Minecraft server from G-Portal, you do you, champ!
Basically, there are 2 ways you can go about creating a minecraft volcano: You can do it yourself or you can download a premade Minecraft volcano mod. We will go over both versions separately, but of course, neither is better than the other (unless you prefer one, in which case we are completely on your side).
How to Build a Volcano in Minecraft – First Steps
Nothing beats feeling the satisfaction of hard work after creating a Minecraft volcano biome from scratch. But before we can get to work, you need to decide on something substantial:
- Where should your Minecraft volcano be? Do you prefer a volcanic island or should it be a Volcano situated in the middle of a continent?
Of course, you can change the surrounding Minecraft volcano biome later, but that can take a lot of time, so work smart, not hard. Also:
- Should the volcano be active or dormant?
If you want the latter, you might not need a volcano at all, ‘cause if you think about it, a dormant volcano is just a mountain. And those already spawn in vanilla Minecraft, so you just need to find one and carve out a deep hole from the top – problem solved!
Building a Minecraft Volcano from Scratch
Okay, let’s say that everything is decided when it comes to the position and activity of your blazing volcano-to-be. So, what would you need if you decided to create a Minecraft volcano on your own? Deepslate. Lots and lots of deepslate. Cobblestone and basalt also look the part, but deepslate is definitely the Minecraft volcano block of choice. So go out there and find deepslate in the overworld, where it spawns below Y-level 0. Or go to the deep dark biome. Why not defeat the warden while you're there? In any case, remember to take a pickaxe with ‘silk touch’ with you. Without that enchantment you will be left with cobbled deepslate and that’s just no good.
Once you have deepslate (and we’re talking massive amounts of deepslate) you should place the blocks in a roughly cylindrical shape. Place some blocks of cobblestone and basalt at the bottom to create some nice accents. Maybe some obsidian and blackstone would provide the final touches? Once that’s done, the heart of your Minecraft volcano comes into play: the molten rock, also known as lava. Or in this case, it would be magma, we suppose. Just like deepslate, you will need a lot of this stuff. For lava, we would recommend visiting the Nether, which is just full of this stuff. Hopefully, no one will miss a few buckets of lava. Or better yet, use the lava you find to create an infinite source of lava. You should ideally place that source on top of the volcano but if you want to run up that mountain every time, we won’t stop you.
(So much lava for you to collect in the Nether biome, just lock at it!)
How to Do a Minecraft Volcano Download
Few things beat feeling the satisfaction of easy work after downloading a Minecraft volcano biome someone else already made. So, where can you find some ready-made Minecraft volcano island map download? Well, we would recommend using, where you can find mods like Jungle Volcano Island, which specifically adds a volcano island with a jungle to your game. Alternatively, you could go for something like the Biomes O’Plenty mod. Rather than only adding a Minecraft volcano, this type of mod adds several different types of new biomes to your game – including the all-important volcano, of course!
And that is really all the ways you can get a volcano in Minecraft. Not a lot of them, but what can you do? In any case, you now have a towering mountain spewing forth superheated molten rock and toxic fumes in your backyard – cool, cool, cool. But now that you have one, what exactly should you do with them?
What You can Do with Your Minecraft Volcano?
Of course, what you do with your pet mountain of destruction is your thing. Nevertheless, we do have some ideas for you if you’re interested.
- Minecraft Volcano Arena: Be it with a boss mob, waves of small fries or a genuine PvP arena suited for an SMP server, at the top a volcano is one of the coolest locations for an arena. Fighting zombies, skeletons and breezes in a trial chamber is already pretty epic, but with a volcano as the background, the fight becomes the cream of the crop. Crossing swords atop a mountain is fine, but imagine crossing tridents on top of a volcano. With some dragons flying overhead. Now try to imagine something more epic. Pretty difficult, isn't it?
- Minecraft Volcano Survival: An erupting volcano is one of the most dangerous natural catastrophes. Thus, running away from a lava stream is the ultimate survival challenge. Just hop on a multiplayer server, install a daylight sensor and other redstone gadgets that release the lava stream when the time is right and let the race begin! Either stand as the winner or be burned to a crisp – what could be more exhilarating?
- Minecraft Volcano Fortress: Sure, a volcano can be a challenge when it comes to survival. But that goes for all that try to scale it, not just you. So, why not build a castle on top of a volcano. Especially if you want to take on more of a villainous role, such a building would be perfect. If you have some deepslate blocks remaining after building the volcano, you can use those to create a dark, intimidating fortress. For the finishing touch, why not build a drawbridge over a sea of lava –, pardon, magma.
Of course, you could also swim against the stream a bit. Why not build a petting zoo or a village on top of your Minecraft volcano? You could even release some of the lava from time to time to destroy the jungle around your volcano (if there is one). Controlling a volcano on a Minecraft server from G-Portal is really fun, after all. So to all future rulers of these monuments of desolation: Have some fun!