Palworld: Bastigor location and breeding Background

Palworld: Bastigor location and breeding

March 3, 2025
2 minutes to read

The Feybreak update brought new Pals to the beloved Palworld - including Bastigor. It is one of the strongest and most impressive pals in the game and is in high demand. Find out how you can get a Bastigor for yourself and what its strengths are in the GPORTAL blog.

Get to know Bastigor

When you face a Bastigor for the first time, you might reconsider your decision to take it on. Bastigor's massive looks alone, thanks to its large and strong stature and cool appearance with huge claws waiting to take you and your Pals on, make a powerful impression. In addition, its strength and powerful attacks from earth and ice elements are no joke. Incidentally, if you need another impressive Pal as a mount, Bastigor is also a good choice and once you've fought this ice Pal, you'll want him on your team anyway.

How to find and breed Bastigor

First of all, we have to say that unfortunately there is currently no location for Bastigor, as it cannot simply be found in the open world of Palworld. This means that capturing him won't work either, of course, so there's only one option: hatching him.

In order to call a Bastigor yours, you must first find a suitable egg to hatch. As it is an ice type, you will need to look for a giant frozen egg, which you can find in the higher areas of Palworld. Be aware, however, that the areas where you can find the rare large and giant eggs are particularly dangerous and you should only go there well prepared. A flying Pal is also an advantage when searching for the breeding eggs so that you can move around more safely in the air and have a better overview.


If you have no luck finding a giant frozen egg, you can also try to breed your own Bastigor. This works with suitable combinations such as Anubis and Frostallion. Make sure that both male and female are represented. You can find out how to successfully breed in Palworld in the appropriate GPORTAL blog.

Bastigor's strengths and attacks

Even if Bastigor is not in the top league of Palworld mounts, he is an incredibly good addition as a fighter and, above all, as a workhorse. To be able to use him as a mount, you must first craft Bastigor's Hammer. The recipe is unlocked from level 59 in the technology menu and costs you 4 technology points. The following materials are required to craft Bastigor's Hammer:

  • 140x Paldium Fragments
  • 50x Ice Organ
  • 30x Hexolite (which in turn is made from ore, hexoquartz and chromite)

As soon as you use Bastigor as a mount, his partner ability called Blizzard Crash is unlocked, which ensures that he can deal incredibly powerful blows with a forged hammer made of ice.

Bastigor cuts a really good figure in direct combat, as his active and passive abilities are particularly effective with a mixture of earth and ice power. Many of his attacks and abilities are incredibly good in close combat and the attacks that cause area damage are an effective advantage against larger groups of opponents. His greatest weaknesses are attacks from a distance and, of course, fire pals.

With his strong passive abilities, Bastigor is not only used damn well in battle, as he is fast, has great stamina and gains strength - he is also excellent as a workhorse. Use him for cooling or for lumbering or mining. No matter how: Bastigor is an absolute asset to you and your Pal team.

Strong Pal, strong server

Bastigor is worth it, because as one of the best fighting and above all working Pals in Palworld, he should be part of every team. His impressive attacks and tireless will to work make him very interesting. And of course, a strong Pal team also needs a strong server - which we at GPORTAL offer you! Take advantage of our great benefits such as strong DDoS protection and 24/7 support so that all issues can be resolved as quickly as possible.

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