Sons of the Forest: Kelvin, the loyal companion Background

Sons of the Forest: Kelvin, the loyal companion

June 30, 2023
2 minutes to read

As in the predecessor The Forest, in Sons of the Forest you will also encounter all sorts of creatures and figures - whether friendly or hostile you will notice soon enough. However, there are two creatures named Virginia and Kelvin, who can stand by your side as NPCs and support you. Today in the GPORTAL blog we would like to introduce you to Kelvin and tell you where he can be found and what his abilities are.

In our last Sons of the Forest blog article, we told you a bit about the game's history, what options it offers, and what you can expect. Have a look here again for all the info you need about the game.

Kelvin, the helping hand

The highly trained soldier, whose name Kelvin can be read from his vest, is a really important support for you in Sons of the Forest. As an initial companion in the search for the billionaire, he ends up on the horror island together with you. During the crash to the island, Kelvin suffers severe brain damage - as a result, he can no longer speak or hear. However, this does not affect his support, because he can communicate with you via your notepad and is very helpful not only in building. By the way, there are also different "outfits" that Kelvin can wear - you can find them spread all over the map of Sons of the Forest and some of the clothes even offer protection against humidity, cold or heat. However, these benefits are only important for the game character, because Kelvin, as an AI, obviously does not care whether it is warm or cold.


Abilities of Kelvin

You can use Kelvin as a helper in building a camp as described above or give him other commands via notepad, if he has understood them he will nod once for confirmation and if he has done his task he will give you the thumbs up. The other commands are as follows:

  • Take a break
  • Follow me
  • Pick up object
  • Remove (within a certain radius)
  • Stay here
  • Obtain various items such as berries, wood, food, etc.
  • Building a fire, camp, etc.

Furthermore, Kelvin has the ability to detect enemies at a great distance, if there is eye contact, he will then warn you in advance, so that you are not surprised by them. Kelvin cannot fight by himself though, he rather retreats for the duration of the fight and waits until the coast is clear again.

If the enemies injure Kelvin and put him out of action, you can "revive" him, but this is not absolutely necessary, because the enemy creatures cannot actually kill him. So is Kelvin immortal? Not really, if you shoot him or otherwise cause him great damage, he may die, in which case Kelvin is also unrecoverable.


More info about Kelvin and where to find him

It is important to know that Kelvin always follows you as soon as he has successfully executed a command, you can only stop this with the command "Stay here". Do not worry if you go without Kelvin, because you can always find him again on the minimap as a blue circle via GPS. If he is very exhausted, he will lie down and take a short break, the same applies to hunger and thirst, he will take water and food from nearby sources or from your supply, so you do not have to worry about that.

Since he stays away from fights, you have to make sure to defend him well. For example, Kelvin will not follow you into caves, because the NPC knows that he would be of no help to you there, so if you want to explore the underground of Sons of the Forest, you are on your own. And if you are tired of being accompanied and want to go your own way in Sons of the Forest, you can simply drop Kelvin off at any place with the command "Stay here" - the best place is of course the shelter, so that he is safe.

Kelvin's location is always in the immediate area of the crashed helicopter. You will find him lying on the ground and have to help him up before he can stand by your side - from then on, you will be inseparable and he is immediately available for any assistance.


GPORTAL Sons of the Forest server rental

We can understand if you want to find your own Kelvin now and roam through Sons of the Forest with him. You can find suitable game servers here at GPORTAL - no liabilities, 24/7 support and strong DDoS protection are only three of the many features offered by our servers. Let's go!

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