Satisfactory Update 6 (Experimental)
Some time has passed since Update 5 in 2021. But now Coffeestain Studios is bringing another wave of new features, revamps and improvements for Satisfactory to the Experimental Build with Update 6.
“Exploration Update”
The focus of the update will be on the area of exploration. Therefore, different areas will be addressed, such as new or revised biomes, a revised skybox, adapted behavior and a new look for creatures and many other adjustments, so that the exploration of the game world offers more fun and variety.
In the northern part of the map, the long-awaited “Spire Coast” biome will finally make its appearance and completely overhaul the area. Coral reefs, waterfalls and shallow waters will characterize the look there. However, the developers also note that the new biome is not yet 100% ready and further adjustments will follow in upcoming patches.
In addition, the swamp biome will get a facelift and thus look fresher. Furthermore, the developers have reworked the skybox in the game so that it looks even better and more atmospheric, and they are also working on the rain, but it is not yet part of Update 6.
More improvements
In addition to a long list of bug fixes, the developers also provide new features for some of the weapons in the game. The developers also emphasize that quite a few technical improvements have been made in the background to make the game feel better in general.
Feel like trying out the new Satisfactory update?
Then grab a GPORTAL server and try it out right away. In the settings of your server you can switch to the “Experimental Build” of Satisfactory. Explore the new biomes, optimize your factories or simply create a completely new factory. The update offers some new possibilities. So what are you waiting for?