Sons of the Forest: Caves Guide and Overview Background

Sons of the Forest: Caves Guide and Overview

July 28, 2023
4 minutes to read

Besides building, getting food and of course surviving against countless enemies, there are other things on the agenda in Sons of the Forest. These include the caves and bunkers, which are spread all over the map and are just waiting to be explored with valuable loot. You can find out everything about the caves and bunkers in the following blog.

The caves and the loot

On the huge map of Sons of the Forest, nine caves are marked with a cave icon. In these caves you will not only find helpful items, but also many and very strong enemies waiting for you - equip yourself well, have enough food and drink with you, pay attention to your stamina and last but not least, besides strong weapons, light sources are also advisable, because the caves are more than dark. If you want to learn more about the weapons in Sons of the Forest, you can have a look at our Weapons Guide Part 1 and Part 2. Which important items you can find in each cave and which ones are best to explore first, we explain below.

The Rebreather and the Rope Gun

The first two caves you should explore are the ones where you can find the Rebreather (breathing device) and the Rope Gun - both items are required to find the Shovel, which you can then use to uncover more interesting points.

The cave where the Rebreather is located is in the north, very close to the coast, and inside you will find some resources, such as flares, ammunition and the air tank for the Rebreather. In the depths of the cave the path will eventually split in two, the left path leads towards the Rebreather. If you choose the right path, you will be rewarded with a Taser at the end. However, always be aware of the numerous creatures that are just waiting to mangle you - either you run past quickly or you are well enough equipped to face the fight.

Once you have found the Rebreather, it is now time for the Rope Gun. The cave for it can be found in the west of the map and is, just like the Rebreather cave, infested with a variety of mutants. In addition to the Rope Gun, you will also find a Cross in the cave, which is a good "weapon" against Demons. In addition to the "normal" enemies, you will also encounter a giant mutant named Sluggy in the cave, which you will have to clear out of the way with a time bomb. Once you have cleared everything and found your way to the Rope Gun, it is now time for an expedition to the Shovel Cave.

The Shovel Cave

As one of the most important items in Sons of the Forest, the Shovel is indispensable. If you have the Rebreather and the Rope Gun with you, you are well prepared for the trip to the cave, which is located very close to the Rope Gun cave - you cannot actually miss the entrance, because three impaled and friendly looking men are waiting for you there. Besides the shovel, you will find other resources in the cave that are very useful, so make sure to search the cave really well. As you advance further into the depths of the cave, you will eventually come across a corpse where you will find a flashlight attachment for your weapons. Once you have overcome the chasms with the Rope Gun and the waterways with the Rebreather and have finally reached the deepest point, you will encounter a worker corpse in whose arms the Shovel lies - the room, however, is well filled with gruesome creatures and mutants.

The Cave of the Golden Armor

To secure the Golden Armor, you must enter a Cave that lies to the southwest of the large snow-covered mountain. This entrance is also easy to spot, as two white-robed cultist corpses lie directly in front of it. In addition to the usual equipment, you will need the Rebreather to completely explore the cave, as many parts are flooded with water. If you resurface at some point, you will have to go a bit further until you eventually come across a corpse wearing the Golden Armor, which has been placed on a kind of altar.


Other Caves on the Island

In addition to the four "main" Caves mentioned above, where you will find very valuable items, there are five more Caves marked on the map. These are all located fairly central to the map, near the snow and mountain biome. Either located by lakes, directly in the ice, or in the immediate vicinity, you can also find important and useful resources and items there - so they are not to be disregarded any more than the other four Caves.

The End Cave

Yes... one cave is still missing from the list, and that is the End Cave. It is not marked on the map, neither is the access to it easy to find. When you go there, you need to be really, really, really well equipped and carry the strongest weapons and armor with you. Extra medicine and plenty of food is a given, of course. In the End Cave you will encounter brand new enemies called demons, so keep your Cross ready to fight them effectively.

Bunkers on the Island

In addition to the Caves, there are also Bunkers to be found on the map - mostly you will find resources and loot in them as well, such as weapons, keycards or other things. There are four Bunkers on the Island:

  • The first Bunker is located in the northwest, near the Rebreather Cave. The food Bunker lives up to its name, because you will find plenty of food there. Besides food, you will also find the crossbow or the VIP keycard, but of course also many enemies and especially mutants. To advance further in the Bunker you need the maintenance keycard
  • In the far west, near the Rope Gun cave, you will find the next Bunker. This one is particularly cool, as it gives you access to a 3D printer that you can use to print all sorts of useful things, such as a water bottle, arrows, or tech mesh. Again, you will need a keycard to get access to more corridors
  • In the east, near the big lake, you will find the third Bunker. You will find some resources, the katana and you can open the way to the last Bunker. Again, a keycard is required to explore everything in the Bunker
  • The last Bunker is the Luxury Bunker located in the slightly northern east near the ocean. After you open the Bunker, you can enter it and find out that this Bunker was probably inhabited - you will quickly realize that someone you know very well from the game lived there. Furthermore, the luxury Bunker hides a door to another Cave, which is not marked on the map

Rent your GPORTAL Sons of the Forest server

Besides the constant attacks of the enemy groups, especially the Cave explorations in Sons of the Forest are a real challenge. However, you will be rewarded with all kinds of cool items and weapons, so go ahead, rent your Sons of the Forest server at GPORTAL now and wait no longer!

Rent Sons of the Forest server