Sons of the Forest Weapons: Overview and Guide Part 2 Background

Sons of the Forest Weapons: Overview and Guide Part 2

July 14, 2023
3 minutes to read

Weapons and tools are two of the most important items in the horror-survival Sons of the Forest, because you have to fight against all kinds of creatures and not only for your own survival. Here follows Part 2 of the GPORTAL Sons of the Forest weapons blog.

If you want to have one more look at Part 1 of the GPORTAL Sons of the Forest Weapons Guide, then click here.

Sons of the Forest Throwing Weapons

Besides melee and ranged weapons, there are also throwing weapons in Sons of the Forest, which mainly consist of explosives. Below we list the weapons and items respectively:

  • Grenade: you can find grenades in crates, abandoned camps and bunkers. Grenades can be used mainly to eliminate or weaken several enemies at once, as they cause a fairly high area damage
  • Flares: can be found in orange emergency cases on the island and are either carried or thrown, either to brighten up the environment or as a distraction against nasty creatures
  • Molotov cocktail: one of the weapons you can make yourself, for this you need 1x Vodka bottle and 1x Cloth. Like the grenade, the Molotov cocktail deals area damage by setting the enemies on fire or even disabling the enemy if hit directly
  • Time Bomb: you can also make the Time Bomb yourself. The following resources are needed: 5x Coin, 1x C4 Brick, 1x Circuit Board, 1x Clock, 1x Wire, and 1x Duct Tape. After you assemble it, you can throw it and after a few seconds it will detonate in a big explosion. Can be used for example for destroying a big and disgusting mutant hiding in some caves

Sons of the Forest weapons to craft

Currently there are three weapons in the game that you can craft yourself. Which ones are listed below:

  • Spear: the spear is of course not the strongest weapon in Sons of the Forest, but it is more than sufficient, especially for the beginning. You can use it as a melee and ranged weapon, in melee you stab your opponents several times until they sink to the ground or you go at a distance and throw it at enemies to be able to knock them out, with a little luck. Furthermore, you can use the spear to spear fish and kill smaller animals like rabbits or birds with one stab. To make it, you will need the following ingredients: 2x Sticks, 1x Duct Tape and your utility knife to sharpen it
  • Bow: as an upgrade and especially for ranged combat, the bow is suitable. Unlike the crossbow, it adds less damage, of course, but you can reload arrows faster. Ammunition can be arrows that you can make yourself from sticks, feathers and small stones, printed arrows from the 3D printer or carbon fiber arrows that cause more damage - you can find them in bunkers or crates. To make the bow you need the following resources: 2x Sticks, 1x Duct Tape and 1x Rope
  • Mace: another strong weapon to start with is the self-made mace, which deals a lot of damage to your opponents with every swing - note, however, that unlike most other weapons, the mace consumes a lot of stamina due to its weight. Furthermore, you can easily block attacks with the mace and cast a heavy attack, which you can perform by pressing the attack button for a longer time. The following resources are needed to make the mace: 1x Skull, 1x Rope and 1x Stick

Upgrades for the weapons

For some of the weapons in Sons of the Forest there are upgrades that make them even better. Which upgrades are available are listed below with the appropriate weapon:

  • Pistol rail: in Sons of the Forest there is a rail as an attachment for the pistol, in order to attach further attachments such as a laser sight or a flashlight to it. You can find the rail near the red lifeboat, where you can also find the pistol itself, or in crates
  • Shotgun rail: you can find the shotgun rail in several locations, with or without a keycard. For example, go to a camp near where you found the shotgun and search the crates, or search a bunker for example the food bunker and go searching. Also on the shotgun you can pack sights or a flashlight and carry more ammunition with you
  • Laser sight: as a practical attachment for the pistol or the shotgun, you can use the laser sight. You can find it in Maintenance Bunker A, where you can also find the fire axe
  • Silencer: the silencer turns your pistol into a very quiet and therefore inconspicuous weapon, which you can use in hidden fights against enemies. You can find it for example at the helicopter crash site or in the Maintenance Bunker B, which needs not only proper preparation, but is also very dangerous in contrast to the helicopter
  • Flashlight: you would like to have one hand free and not carry a torch or hand flashlight around with you all the time? Then the flashlight for weapons is just what you need. It replaces your actual light source during use and you can use the weapon at the same time. You will find the flashlight in the same cave where the shovel is hiding and yes, it will not be that easy, but it's worth it!


Your own GPORTAL Sons of the Forest server

You now know a lot about the current weapons in Sons of the Forest and have certainly already discovered one or two favorites. If you want to search for your favorite weapon yourself, we at GPORTAL offer you a suitable Sons of the Forest game server.

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