Sons of the Forest: Patch 11 Background

Sons of the Forest: Patch 11

September 21, 2023
2 minutes to read

And here we are again! With the new Sons of the Forest Patch 11 in our luggage, we take another look at the changes and take a closer look into everything in the GPORTAL blog.

Improved and new building possibilities

Since Sons of the Forest patch 10 you can build corner ramps, which you can use as a roof for example. Thanks to patch 11, there is now also the possibility to set corner ramps at an angle, which gives the option to build roofs neatly around the corner. Also new are corner beams, which serve to stabilize the structure and ensure that corner ramps cannot be destroyed so quickly.


Another new feature is that from now on beams can be leaned against other beams, probably not only we have been waiting for this for a long time. Since patch 10, we have probably all also been waiting for the corner ramps to be able to be built in such a way that a complete half tree trunk is not used for each individual ramp. Now if you set corner ramps, the logs will also be cut to fit, yay!


Lots of new things in electricity

The biggest new feature is probably the battery. This is the good stuff you need to find to keep your electricity going at night now. The battery looks like an old car battery and is found mostly near or on golf carts, and also in some bunkers on shelves. So the electricity system has been revamped by the developers and if you connect a battery to a solar panel, for example, your light bulbs will light up even at night when the sun has long set.


What you should pay attention to from now on is that a battery together with the connected solar panel can only supply a certain number of objects with electricity. If too many objects are connected to a battery, the light bulbs will get dimmer and dimmer until the power grid is completely overloaded and then fails. Solar panels can now also be placed freely and do not necessarily need a base like a ramp or similar. If you need detailed instructions for the renewed electricity system, you can take a look at the book, there you will find everything you need.


More enemies and other innovations

Since Sons of the Forest patch 11 there are two new enemies. One is a cannibal who throws spears, you should watch out especially near him, because the throwing accuracy is really good and the spears cause a lot of damage. If you build up more distance to these cannibals, you can better avoid the attacks, but the cannibals also have an advantage, because you can pick up the thrown spears. The other new enemy is also a cannibal that carries various body parts on its back and places them in the world. We do not know yet what exactly this is good for, but the appearance of the enemy does not bode well.

Apart from that, there is also the innovation that fire can now be extinguished by sprinklers, it takes a while, but it works. For the food bunker, there is a new cutscene that is quite something. And for the cave where you can find the rebreather and taser, there is a new expansion where you can find a new secret item. You can find the complete patch notes for Sons of the Forest patch 11 by clicking here.

GPORTAL Sons of the Forest server

The developers of Endnight Games are really extremely behind in presenting us with new content for Sons of the Forest again and again and what is even more important: listening to their community and implementing requested content that has been asked for. The new patch 11 proves this once again very clearly and if you are as curious about the changes as we are, you can now easily rent your own Sons of the Forest server at GPORTAL without any liabilities.

Rent Sons of the Forest server