V Rising: Fishing and Fish Oil Background

V Rising: Fishing and Fish Oil

April 30, 2024
3 minutes to read

Contrary to what you might expect, fishing is an important topic in V Rising. Not only are the pretty and sometimes rare fish among the loot, but other items can also be found from time to time. You will find everything you need to know about fishing in V Rising in the following GPORTAL blog.

Before you start: getting the Fishing Pole

What is the first thing you need if you want to go fishing? A Fishing Pole, of course. To get the Fishing Pole in V Rising, you have to defeat one of the V Blood Bosses, his name is Rufus the Foreman, level 20. You can find the V Blood Boss in the Farbane Woods, right where you start in V Rising. If you want to know more about the different regions in V Rising, you can take a look at our V Rising Regions Guide. Once you have defeated him, you must drink his blood in order to make a woodworking bench, which you can then use to build the Fishing Pole. You will need the following resources for it:

  • 8x Planks
  • 4x Copper Ingots
  • 4x Coarse Threads


You will need the following resources for the woodworking bench:

  • 60x Animal Hides
  • 12x Planks

Finding fish and fishing

Once you have the most important fishing utensils ready, you must of course set off to find and catch your first fish. Look for water spots that look like they are bubbling slightly, as this indicates that something is waiting for you to catch it. Throw your Fishing Pole into the water and wait a moment until the water starts to get choppy and starts to glow, then pull the Pole back in. With a bit of luck, you might not only find a fish, but even a rare fish or items such as hats, capes or recipe books.


You will find fishing spots mainly in the Farbane Woods, Dunley Farmlands or Silverlight Hills. However, to catch rare fish in particular, you need to go to the Cursed Forest and have a bit of luck. You can catch the following species of fish in V Rising:

  • Fat Goby: you can find this fish in every region
  • Swamp Dweller: this fish can only be found in the Cursed Forest
  • Twilight Snapper: you can also find this fish in all regions, but mainly in the Dunley Fields
  • Fierce Stinger: this fish can be found in the Hallowed Mountains, Dunley Farmlands and Farbane Woods
  • Rainbow Trout: you will find this fish in the Silverlight Hills, Dunley Farmlands and Farbane Woods
  • Sagefish: this fish can be found in the Silverlight Hills and rarely in the Dunley Farmlands
  • Golden River Bass: you can find this fish in the Silverlight Hills
  • Blood Snapper: this fish can be found in the Cursed Forest
  • The Fish: the rarest fish in V Rising and can only be found in the Cursed Forest

Note: you will only find one fish or one item at each fishing spot, after which you must move on and give the spot a short break before life returns.

The benefits of the fish

Of course, there is still the question of what you need the fish for in V Rising, as vampires do not eat them because they only feed on blood. If you already have your first prisoners or even several in your castle, they will of course need to eat them from time to time or simply be healed when you suck the blood out of them. This is exactly what the fish are for: the Fat Goby, for example, restores 100% health and the Rainbow Trout reduces the prisoner's suffering by 5 to 10%.

You can obtain oil, scales and fish bones from the fish themselves, the only exception being the rarest fish, which gives you 200x Silver Coin, 50x Oil and 20x Gold Jewelry. To get the resources from the fish, you need to use the giant crate called “The Devourer”. You can get the recipe for this crate from the V Blood Boss named Lidia, the Chaos Archer - you can find her in the Farbane Woods. Fish Oil is required for many recipes, including Pristine Leather, and is therefore one of the most valuable resources in V Rising.

GPORTAL V Rising server

V Rising offers so many ways to play and fishing is just one of them, but it offers a lot of variety, fun and, of course, the resources you can gain from it. With the upcoming full release of V Rising, you can of course rent the appropriate and above all powerful game server with 24/7 support, DDoS protection and the flexibility of the game cloud from your preferred V Rising hoster GPORTAL right from the start!

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